Entries by Catrin Molund

300 PeriCam PSI delivered all over the world

Perimed has delivered more than 300 PeriCam PSI instruments to hospitals and clinics all over the world. Watch the video to see how PeriCam PSI is used as an excellent tool to estimate burn depth and its value in predicting the healing capacity of a burn wound. https://dreambroker.com/channel/ie0cnuxh/xccf1gmu

750 units of PeriFlux 6000 delivered worldwide

We are very proud to announce that we have sold the amazing number of 750 PeriFlux 6000 instruments worldwide to today’s date, and the latest unit was delivered to a well renowned clinic in the USA. The PeriFlux 6000 is the only system that performs a complete perfusion assessment in 20 minutes that meets the […]

Article in Dagens Medicin

Interesting article in Dagens Medicin: Nytt sätt att mäta graden av kärlpåverkan : https://www.dagensmedicin.se/artiklar/2020/09/25/nytt-satt-att-mata-graden-av-karlpaverkan/?utm_campaign=DagensMedicin-dagliga_200925Snabbsp%C3%A5ret%20f%C3%B6r%20skyddsutrustning%20f%C3%B6rl%C3%A4ngs&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua&elqTrackId=40a6b32b44a44fcf82d6527fad58085d&elq=abef24910b934c4ca9957898eb264c57&elqaid=35739&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=26072

PAD User Forum postponed until further notice

Following the recent developments concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, the “PAO User Forum hosted by Perimed and ESVS” is hereby postponed. Perimed was forced to take the tough decision to postpone this event due to the fact that many hospitals, companies, and other organizations have either advised against, or prohibited travel and attendance to international […]

Is the Use of a Portable Hyperbaric Chamber to Treat Frostbite and/or Hypothermia in the Field Indicated?

This pilot study into the effects of using a portable hyperbaric chamber on peripheral vascular function shows a global improvement in the parameters measured and suggests that there may be benefits in using a portable hyperbaric chamber to limit the extent and severity of injury due to frostbite in an austere and remote environment. Download […]

Radiometer partners with Perimed to improve wound care and hyperbaric diagnostics

The partnership between Radiometer and Perimed will give Radiometer the ability to sell Perimed’s unique wound care system and give Perimed the ability to expand the reach of their product through Radiometer’s strong distribution network. Brønshøj, January 8, 2019. 10.00 CET Radiometer Medical ApS (Radiometer) partners with Perimed AB (Perimed) to accelerate and expand the […]